
We are a growing team of excellent therapists in physiotherapy and the allied health space.
Our vision is to deliver passionate, excellent healthcare and to be the most trusted healthcare providers in our community.
We pride ourselves on excellent PD and training and fully believe we help create better therapists and people.
Our team culture is second to none. We work hard, have fun and are all diverse and valued team members.
If you would like to join our team we will always seriously consider your application.
To apply please email
Southside Physio New Grad Program
** Specific to physiotherapy – we are growing in our Allied Health teams and are aiming to include excellence in education and training in these fields soon
Duration: 2 Years
Goal: To develop well-rounded, skilled clinicians with a strong foundation of clinical reasoning. This program is designed mostly for our physios. However, our exercise physiologists also participate in this graduate program. This program is not for our other disciplines.
Key Feature: Graduation culminates in a case presentation to the SSPG team.
Professional Development Components
Weekly Commitment: Up to 3 hours of professional development within working hours. This is made up of the below.
1:1 Mentorship: Personalized guidance and clinical case discussions with Chris Bacchus (our training and development leader).
New Physio Group Training: This group includes the Physios that are new to SSPG. It covers the skills and content that is covered in the local clinic training to allow for more time to practice. This group also covers a variety of other topics that come up on the day.
EP group training: Our EPs run their own independently led fortnightly PD in replacement of the New Physio Group training.
Local Clinic Training: Each clinic has a training which runs for 40 minuets each week. The content of this training is the more practice elements that relate to our most recent masterclass (see below).
Masterclass: Roughly each quarter we hold a masterclass which is a 2-hour lecture outside of your work hours. We pick a joint and Chris Bacchus provides a detailed summary of the joint with a focus on the anatomy. As you can see above, the trainings each week then follow the theme of the masterclass until the joint is “complete.”
Program Philosophy
Growth as Clinicians and Individuals: Emphasis on personal and professional development.
Active Participation: We strongly encourage graduates to immerse themselves in learning and contribute to their growth. This is a key principle, as learning is often only possible by really engaging in the content. Passive learning will not help retain the information in the long term.
Community and Support: Foster a supportive environment for sharing knowledge and experiences.
This program is designed to provide a comprehensive, experiential learning environment for graduates and new clinicians to SSPG. We pride ourselves on the quality of our professional development and support our graduates in their journey to become proficient and compassionate clinicians.
Current Positions Available:
Exercise Physiologist
Speech Therapist
Occupational Therapist
What is it like to work at Southside Physio? Watch our video below.