GLA:D Program

%physiotherapy clinic%

GLA:D Program for Hip and Knee OA

Tuggeranong: Tuesday 12pm and 4:30 pm, Thursday 11 am and Friday 8:30am 
Woden: Tuesday and Thursday 1pm, Monday and Wednesday 5pm 
Cost: $510 (12 sessions)  



Southside Physio is proud to offer the GLA:D (Good Life with Arthritis: Denmark) program for those who suffer from osteoarthritis of the hip or knee. This exercise program has been developed in Denmark and has been proven to reduce pain and improve quality of life by combining an active approach of education and group exercise.

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent lifestyle condition in people 65 years and older, but can also affect people as young as 30 years of age. The most recent international clinical recommendations for the first-line treatment of OA are education, exercise, and weight loss. Unfortunately, a surgical approach is very common in Australia. The GLA:D® Australia program offers a safe and non-invasive alternative.

GLA:D® Australia training program outline:

· Initial appointment with a Physiotherapist explaining the program and collecting individual, functional data
· Two OA education sessions, including information on how GLA:D® Australia improves joint stability and symptoms of OA.
· Group neuromuscular training sessions twice weekly for 6 weeks to improve muscle and joint control which lead to a reduction in symptoms and improved quality of life.

Benefits of GLA:D®:

· Has been proven to reduce progression of knee/hip OA symptoms by 32%
· Is a unique program that contains exercises and teaches skills that can be applied to everyday activities
· Improves strength in the legs, especially around the hip and knee
· Provides reductions in pain
· Has been proven to increase levels of physical activity 12 months post-GLA:D®:
· Has been proven to reduce the use of joint-related pain medications
· Decrease the amount of people on sick leave.

Who can participate in GLA:D®?

· Individuals who experience symptoms of hip and/or knee osteoarthritis
· Individuals who have needed to see a health care professional due to a hip or knee joint problem

You do not need a GP referral to participate in GLA:D®, but other health-related issues may prevent you from participating. If you are unsure of your medical health, a visit to your GP is recommended before you commence. Please contact the Southside Physio team for any further questions regarding our research-based treatment of hip/ knee OA.