The importance of exercise for older adults.

As you are already aware the human body goes thought a natural ageing process which leads to distinct muscle mass and strength decline and weakening, with a 15% loss per decade over the age of 50. Due to this older adults have an increase risk of falls. Statistics show that ever year 1 in 3 people aged 65 years and over will have a fall.

Exercises forcing on strenght lower limb and balance is an effective modality for falls prevention. Exercise is also a cheap way to manage symptoms of any chronic diseases when can include pain management for osteoarthritis and managing blood glucose levels in diabetics.

Exercise has many benefits:

  • maintain and improve strenght and balance to decreased risk of falls or injury
  • preserving bone density and joint health
  • Prevention of muscle loss associated with ageing
  • maintain quality of life and improve overall mood
  • Improved mental health and reduced depression, anxiety, and stress
  • reduced risk and symptoms of some chronic diseases
  • Improved cognitive function
  • Potential to reduce risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease

An Accredited Exercise Physiologist specialise in creating safe and affective exercise plans for a range of populations including older adults. We also work a range of pathologies include but are not limited to:

  • Cardiovascular – pacemakers, hypertension, chronic heart failure, heart arrhythmias and acute myocardial infarction.
  • Mental Health – anxiety disorders and trauma.
  • Metabolic – overweight/obesity, Type 1 and 2 diabetes and gestational diabetes. 
  • Musculoskeletal – osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis and muscle pain, injuries, or disabilities.
  • Neurological/Neuromuscular – Stroke, Parkinson disease, multiple sclerosis, dementia, and traumatic brain injury.
  • Respiratory/Pulmonary – asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and cystic fibrosis. 

At Southside physio our exercise physiologists aim to provide everyone with an individualise exercise plan to help prevent or manage a chronic disease, injury or age-related decline in order to help restore optimal physical function and improve their quality of life. We run a range of group classes such as forever fit and +Diabetes. Forever Fit is a class that focuses on older adults and fall prevention. This allows older adults to maintain their strenght and reduced their falls risk in a social environment.

If you have any question, please don’t hesitate to contact me ( or for general questions please contact Woden:, Tuggeranong: or call either clinic Woden: 62825010 or Tuggeranong 62931955