Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) The Chronic Disease Management (formerly Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) 

At Southside Physio we accept EPC or Chronic Disease Management Plans that are written by GP’s to help with the financial cost of the teratment of Chronic healthcare issues. 

The following information comes from the Department of Health Website:…

“GP services on the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic or terminal medical conditions, including patients with these conditions who require multidisciplinary, team-based care from a GP and at least two other health or care providers. A chronic medical condition is one that has been (or is likely to be) present for six months or longer, for example, asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, musculoskeletal conditions and stroke. There is no list of eligible conditions; however, the CDM items are designed for patients who require a structured approach, including those requiring ongoing care from a multidisciplinary team. Whether a patient is eligible for CDM services is a clinical judgement for the GP, taking into account the patient’s medical condition and care needs, as well as the general guidance set out in the MBS. Patients who have a chronic medical condition and complex care needs and are being managed by their GP under a GP Management Plan (item 721) and Team Care Arrangements (item 723) are eligible for Medicare rebates for certain allied health services on referral from their GP.”

So what does that mean to you – the client?

If you have a complicated medical or musculoskeletal condition that will need input from physio, exercise physiology, dietitian or other allied health service you may be able to go to your GP and get an EPC plan. This can translate to 5 rebated sessions which can save you approx $55/session up to 5 sessions (around $275 saving) This can be very helpful for the times when you have a chronic health condition that is stopping you from doing what you love.

So what do you do?

Talk to your physio or GP about an EPC plan. If it is going to be the right thing for you – call your GP practice and organise an appointment to get your EPC plan underway. Then either book in – or continue seeing your therapist at Southside Physio to work towards your most important health goals.